
Showing posts from September, 2023

Thanksgiving Food Drive

The gr. 7 & 8 Student Leadership Team at  Lorna Jackson Public School is asking all students in our community to participate in a Thanksgiving Food Drive. Families are welcome to bring in any non-perishable food items that will be donated to a local food drive. Our Food Drive will take place from Monday October 2 to Friday October 13. We thank you in advance, any donations are much appreciated.

Meet the Teacher & Curriculum Night

Please join us for Meet the Teacher & Curriculum Night that is scheduled for Thursday October 19 from 7- 7:50 pm . The evening will be divided into 2 - 30 minute sessions. The 1st session begins at 7-7:20 pm and allows for a 10 minute changeover. The 2nd session runs from 7:30-7:50 pm. We say goodnight to families at 8 pm with an announcement.

Ministry of Education Mandated Class Re-Organization 2023


Office Communication for Parents & Guardians

Good afternoon everyone, we are sharing a communication with our parent/guardian community so that we can streamline requests coming into the office. If you child is ill or absent please use Edsby to report that absence or call the school at 905-893-2829 . It is very important to communicate absences as early as possible . Our office hours are from 8 am to 4 pm. You can leave us a voice message too.  If you child is being picked up early, please communicate this with the office ASAP and preferably in the morning that this pick up is happening. The more notice the better. We have been receiving late (i.e., 3 pm) phone calls and communications from parents/guardians about students and changes to home transportation, such as not taking a bus home or being picked up at the school instead. These are very difficult to manage given that LJPS has over 450+ students. I hope you can all appreciate the logistical challenges should we have 10 or more request at the same time on the same day.  We

Terry Fox Walk at LJPS

Hello LJPS Community Members, As you may be aware we will be holding our annual Terry Fox walk on Thursday September 21. We thank all those who have brought in their ‘Toonies for Terry’ and we hope to continue to see donations come in to help continue Terry’s legacy and raise funds to help beat cancer. Our walk will begin at 1:45. We will be leaving the school heading east along Napa Valley Avenue to Forest Fountain Drive. We will continue along Forest Fountain to Sonoma Boulevard, we will proceed all the way along Sonoma until we reach Napa Valley again. We will then follow Napa Valley until we reach the school. We anticipate we will return to school around 2:45 at which time students will return to their classrooms. Our younger learners will be walking a shorter route, walking around the boundaries of our school. The walk will be supported by each of our teachers and our administration to ensure the safety and participation of all of our students. We thank them for their support. If

Morning Entry at LJPS

Morning Entry - as of Tuesday September 19, 2023 - Day 1 We are changing the process for morning entry so that students are outside from 8:30 -8:40 am (1st bell). This will ensure give students a chance to get more fresh air and exercise prior to the start of school. Parents & Guardians that are dropping off students are asked to walk or drop off on the playground pavement . Staff will be there supervising as of 8:30 am. Entrance to the school will begin on the 1st bell at 8:40 am (5 minute warning) which allows students to get to class on time.  

Welcome Everyone

Welcome back to everyone in our Lorna Jackson P.S. community! Mr. Brown, Principal and Mrs. Herdman, Vice Principal would like to extend a warm welcome to all our returning and new staff that have joined us this 2023-2024 school year.  We also want to share that our educator teams have worked diligently to prepare for students' return to school so that 2023-2024 will be another great year!  We would like to share a few helpful tips for starting the school day off on the right foot. Please make sure to set up predictable routines such as, an early bedtime, eating breakfast and packing student backpacks the night before, so that you are able to get to school on time.  As we move towards fall and cooler weather it is still important for families to be prudent in completing daily  self-screening   to further prevent the spread of illness and COVID. If children are displaying symptoms, please keep them home and follow the screen guidelines outlined by York Public Health. If we have stud

Bus Loop Drop Off/Pick Up Procedure 2023
