Safety Awareness Week

Safety is a priority every day at Lorna Jackson Public School. The beginning of the school year is a great time to remind students of the safety basics and remaining safe at school. Each year YRDSB schools find ways to observe Safety Awareness Week. Schools can choose to feature safety related activities and themes that include both the school and broader community. Safety topics like traffic, internet, personal, school bus, school playgrounds, bicycle and water safety are commonly highlighted in schools. Safety Awareness Week also provides a good opportunity to practice and improve safety drills to prepare staff and students to respond in the event of an emergency at our school. This month we have been practicing these drills with students. Last week we had our first fire drill. This week we have done a Lockdown Drill and a Bomb Threat Drill. Later in the week we will have a Hold and Secure Drill. Staff prepare the students ahead of time so they are ready and know what to expect during our drills. At home, parents can always support their children's learning by talking about safety too! Subjects to discuss could include: kitchen safety, fire safety, being home alone, when to use 911, on-line safety, etc. Let's all work to make our world a safer place!


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